This was my Final Major Project for my first year at Barnet and Southgate College. The task was to make a short film or documentary on something made in Britain, hence the title. I chose to do my documentary on the UK Wolf Conservation Trust (UKWCT), as they are a particular interest of mine, being passionate about wildlife conservation.
I emailed the site director for filming permission and gave them a breakdown of my schedule. Unfortunately, they were too short staffed and pressed for time to appear in any interviews, so I hired actors and gave them a script to read from. Most shots of wolves are my own, with some source from other documentaries online.
Seeing all the preproduction research and planning that went into this, and given I was in correspondence with the UKWCT, my markers awarded me a Distinction for the video, as I found ways around my short comings, and they were impressed with the amount of detail and research that was evidenced in the video.
Looking back on it today, there is a lot I would change, and I would have stayed longer on site to get more of my own videos. However, given the time constraints of the project, I did the best I could.