For the 72 Hour Challenge we were given a word and a prop at random. The word we got was "Harbinger", and we had received a prisoner's shirt as our prop. Our finished video had to feature the prop in one way or another and relate to the word provided.
Our original concept was to have a news anchor (being the harbinger of bad news) report on an escaped convict loose in the city. It would then cut between shots of the concerned news anchor and the convict, following him on his crime spree. However, because of our limited time, we decided to cut the news anchor out of the shoot and perhaps feature an emergency radio broadcast, so the video could be focused on the murderer. In the end we cut that out too, as the convict could arguably be the harbinger of destruction. However this decision was made towards the end of the editing process, which effected my edit terribly, as I had edited the video in a way that would need a voiceover to make it really work. This is why there are long establishing shots, intended to draw the viewer in with audio aid.